Sustainable Microbiology Novel Research Grant Evaluation Criteria

This page contains information on how the Sustainable Microbiology Novel Research Grant will be evaluated by the grants panel

1. Alignment with Sustainable Microbiology and AMI’s Goals (Total: 15 Points)
  • Strong Alignment (15 Points): Research project strongly aligns with sustainable applied microbiology and AMI’s strategic objectives, including the UNSDGs.
  • Moderate Alignment (10 Points): Project demonstrates some alignment but could be more directly connected.
  • Limited Alignment (5 Points): Minimal or unclear alignment with the field and AMI's goals.
2. Research Significance and Impact (Total: 40 Points)
  • High Significance (40 Points): Project has a high potential for significant societal or environmental impact.
  • Moderate Significance (20 Points): Some potential for impact, but less significant or less clearly articulated.
  • Limited Significance (10 Points): Limited potential for impact or poorly articulated significance.
3. Originality and Application as a Pilot or Proof-of-Concept (Total: 40 Points)
  • Highly Original (40 Points): Work of this sort is unprecedented in its field and is well-suited to proceed to a pilot or proof-of-concept study.
  • Some Originality (20 Points): This work is precedented in the field but holds enough originality the a proof-of-concept study is still warranted.
  • Lacking Originality (10 Points): Whilst there may be some originality in the work, much of this work has already been demonstrated.
4. Budget Justification and Appropriateness (Total: 5 Points)
  • Well-Justified (5 Points): Budget is well-justified and aligns perfectly with the project needs.
  • Partially Justified (3 Points): Budget justification is reasonable but lacks some detail.
  • Poorly Justified (0 Points): Budget lacks proper justification or alignment with project needs.
Total Possible Score: 100 Points

Scoring Guidelines:

  • 80-100 Points: Excellent – Strongly meets all criteria; high priority for funding.
  • 60-79 Points: Good – Adequately meets most criteria; consider for funding.
  • 40-59 Points: Fair – Meets some criteria; may require further consideration.
  • Below 40 Points: Poor – Does not sufficiently meet criteria; low priority for funding.

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